Band Fees & Other Payments
Band fees can be paid by check made payable to “SHS Band Boosters” and put in the box next to Mr. Gammon’s office. You can also pay band fees via Venmo. Please be sure to include your student(s) name and exactly what the payment should be allocated to.
You may also use the Venmo account to pay for t-shirts, senior banners, band shoes, etc… Please remember to include the student’s name and what the payment is for.
Band Fees (SHS)
- Fees for 8th grade march-ups: $395 if student uses own instrument; $495 if student using school-owned instrument
- PLEASE NOTE: you will still be expected to pay your MS band classroom fees as well
- Fees for high school students who are using their own instrument: $435
- Fees due for high school students who are renting a school-owned instrument: $535
- Auxiliary band fee: $370, $390 or $490 *see note
* AUXILIARY NOTE – If your child is an auxiliary member during marching season but will be playing an instrument during concert season, your fees are as follows:
- auxiliary member who is participating in marching band only = $370
- auxiliary member who is participating in marching band + concert band & playing a student owned instrument = $390
- auxiliary member who is participating in marching band + concert band & playing a school owned instrument = $490
- These fees are separate from your uniform fees you are paying right now.
Band fees are due IN FULL by the end of band camp, July 26, 2024.
Please direct any questions regarding march-up & SHS member fees and payments to the Band Booster Treasurer via email at shstigerbandtres@gmail.com.
Band Fees (SMS)
Middle school band fees will now be paid through the school, NOT through the Springville Band Boosters. These fees are due at registration and paid to the SMS bookkeeper (Mrs. Booker).
SMS band fees for 2023-2024 school year are as follows:
- Student owns instrument: $75
- Student is renting an instrument from the school: $175
- Student is playing percussion: $275 ($75 + $100 instrument rental fee + $100 instructor fee)